In questa pagina elenchiamo:
- I principali riferimenti teorici su cui si fonda il progetto IDENTITIES
- Gli articoli su IDENTITIES
- I titoli e i sommari delle presentazioni a conferenze, riguardanti i concetti e le attività all’interno di IDENTITIES
- Le tesi di laurea inquadrate nel contesto IDENTITIES
Theoretical References
Barelli, E., Branchetti, L., Ravaioli, G. (2019). High school students’ epistemological approaches to computer simulations of complex systems. Journal of Physics Conference Series 1287:012053
Branchetti, L. Cattabriga, A., Levrini, O. (2019). Interplay between mathematics and physics to grasp the nature of a scientific breakthrough: the case of the black body. Physical Review – Physics Education Research.
Branchetti, L., Cutler, M., Laherto, A., Levrini, O., Palmgren, E.K., Tasquier, G., Wilson, C., (2018). The I SEE project: An approach to futurize STEM education. In: Colucci-Gray, L., Camino, E., Dodman, M. (eds). Visions for Sustainability, 9: 10-26.
Durand-Guerrier, V. (2008). Truth versus validity in mathematical proof. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education 40/3, 373-384.
Papers about IDENTITIES
Conference presentations
Branchetti, L., Levrini, O. (2019). Disciplines and interdisciplinarity in STEM education to foster scientific authenticity and develop epistemic skills. Presented at ESERA2019 conference within the invited symposium “Crossing boundaries – problematizing interdisciplinarity in science education” – 2019, August 26th-30th (Bologna-Italy).
Levrini, O., Branchetti, L., Fantini, P. (2019). Le discipline (scientifiche) nell’epoca della frammentazione della conoscenza. [The scientific disciplines at the time of knowledge fragmentation]. Presented at the 3rd National Seminar on Licei Matematici – 2019, September 18th (Fisciano).
Levrini, O., Branchetti, L., Cattabriga, A., Moruzzi, S., Viale, M. (2020). Interdisciplinarità tra matematica, fisica, linguistica ed epistemologia: linee guida e risultati di un’esperienza di formazione in servizio nel PLS-POT di Bologna [Interdisciplinarity among mathematics, physics, linguistics and epistemology: guidelines and results of an experience of in-service training within the PLS-POT project in Bologna]. Presented at the GEO-CRUI conference – 2020, June 15th-17th (online).
Branchetti, L. (2020). Interdisciplinarità tra fisica, matematica e informatica nella formazione iniziale degli insegnanti: il progetto IDENTITIES. [Interdisciplinarity between physics, mathematics and computer science in pre-service teacher education: the IDENTITIES project]. Presented at the SIF conference – 2020, September 14th-18th (online).
Barelli, E. (2020). Le simulazioni computazionali come strumenti interdisciplinari di decisione: risultati di un’indagine con studenti universitari. [Computational simulations as interdisciplinary decision-making tools: results of a study with university students]. Presented at the SIF conference – 2020, September 14th-18th (online).
Satanassi, S., Ercolessi, E., Levrini, O. (2020). Un approccio interdisciplinare alle tecnologie quantistiche: un modulo per studenti di scuola secondaria. [An interdisciplinary approach to quantum technologies: A module for secondary school students]. Presented at the SIF conference – 2020, September 14th-18th (online).
Nipyrakis, A., Kokolaki, A., Stavrou, D. (2020). IDENTITIES project: Novel Teaching approaches to Interdisciplinarity for STEM Challenges. Presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences – 2020, July 10th (Heraklion, Crete, Greece).
Nipyrakis, A., Stavrou, D. (2020). Προσεγγίσεις εν Ενεργεία Εκπαιδευτικών Β/θμιας Εκπαίδευσης κατά τον Σχεδιασμό & Ανάπτυξη STEM διδασκαλιών σε Πλαίσιο Κοινοτήτων Μάθησης [In-Service Secondary Teachers’ Views during the Design and Development of STEM Teaching Courses in a Learning Communities Framework]. Presented at the 3rd National Conference of New Researchers of Science Education – 2020 August 27th–29th (virtually, Greece).
Barelli, E., Levrini, O. (2021). Computational Simulations as Citizenship Tools: A Study With University Physics and Mathematics Students. Presented at AERA – 2021, April (online).
Barelli, E., Levrini, O. (2021). Scientific Simulations as Educational Tools for the Post-Pandemic Era: the Case of the Susceptible-Infectious-Removed Model. Presented at NARST – 2021, April (online).
Branchetti, L., Barelli, E., Barquero, B., Romero, O. (2021). Questioning interdisciplinarity within teacher education: a module on the evolution of COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at ICME-14 – 2021, July 11th-18th (online).
Branchetti, L., Levrini, O. (2021). Disciplines and interdisciplinarity in STEM education to foster scientific authenticity and develop epistemic skills. Invited symposium presented at NARST – 2021, April (online).
Chiusoli, S. (2019). La mappa logistica come caso di studio per riflettere sull’interdisciplinarità nei sistemi complessi [The logistic map as a case study to reflect on interdisciplinarity in complex systems]. Bachelor thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisor: E. Barelli.
Gombi, A. (2020). The foundational case of the parabolic motion: design of an interdisciplinary activity for the IDENTITIES project. Master thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisor: S. Satanassi.
Leban, S. P. (2020). Interdisciplinarity in science education in France: Analysis of approaches and their application to the vibrating string case study. Master thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisor: E. Volte.
Miani, L. (2021). Highlighting Interdisciplinarity between Physics and Mathematics in Historical Papers on Special Relativity: Design of Blended Activities for Pre-Service Teacher Education. Master thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisors: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisor: Prof. D. Stavrou.
Quadrelli, N. (2020). Un approccio interdisciplinare alla parabola per riflettere sulla nascita della fisica moderna: risultati di uno studio con studenti di classe terza di Liceo Scientifico. [An interdisciplinary approach to parabola to reflect on the origin of modern physics: Results of a study with students of the 3rd year of Scientific Lyceum]. Bachelor thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisor: S. Satanassi.
Sicignano, M. (2020). Indagare l’interdisciplinarità tra fisica e matematica tramite la teoria delle reti: analisi di un corso di formazione insegnanti sul tema della parabola. [Investigating interdisciplinarity between physics and mathematics through network theory: analysis of a professional development course for teachers on the issue of parabola]. Master thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Dr. G. Tasquier. Co-advisor: Dr. E. Giampieri.
Pollani, L. (2021). Interdisciplinarità tra Matematica e Fisica: analisi di testi in termini di razionalità e spiegazione [Interplay between Mathematics and Physics: an analysis of texts using rationality and explanation]. Master thesis in Mathematics, University of Genova. Advisor: Prof. F. Morselli. Co-advisor: Prof. L. Branchetti.
Polverini, G. (2022). Exploring interdisciplinarity between physics and mathematics: the design of a linguistic and an epistemological tool for analysing texts about the parabolic motion. Master thesis in Physics, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna. Advisor: Prof. O. Levrini. Co-advisors: Dr. V. Bagaglini, Dr. S. Satanassi.